is an old Yiddish lullaby that tells of a Rabbi teaching youngsters the
alphabet. With classical Jewish tradition the Rabbi leaves the children with
these final words, "When you grow up, you will come to understand how much
pain and how many tears these letters contain. And joy. And majesty."
A little intense for
a group of youths, but truer words have never been spoken. The power and
gravity of our words goes further than we can ever imagine. Our lives are made up entirely of letters,
words, sentences, pages, and locutions; so we might as well make an effort to
use these words for the bettering of society, for an enrichment of our own
lives. The sentences we utter and the
words we choose to use can have glorious ripples or awful repercussions. The
tragedy lies in our ignorance. Most of the time we will not outwardly see the
happiness or the dread our letters form. But pause for a moment and think of
the last genuine compliment you received, how did it make you feel? Was it that
hard for someone to notice something about you, and then articulate it to you?
No. It was easy, but it likely made us feel very good, and perhaps even imbued
upon us a desire to treat another with similar kindness.
One way to take
advantage of the beauty and grandeur of the English language is to rid your
proverbial cup of words of the bitter dregs. Too often our everyday speech is
made up almost entirely of tired phrases, overused sentences, obvious clichés,
pointless platitudes and trite statements void of any real meaning. Excising
certain words (or at least limiting the usage of ) like “cool,” legit,” “nice,”
“okay,” “whatever,” will leave you with no other choice but to use new
adjectives, and think a little more about what exits your mouth.
What else can we do?
Just using a niftier set of words will not ensure us a life void of verbal
retardation. We must also seek to eliminate negative phraseology from our
vernacular. It is so important to reject the use of hurtful words, to do away
with self-deprecation, and to infuse our vocabulary with positivity and
optimism. The finest and simplest way to do this is through a wonderful
concept, made popular by the author Tony Robbins called transformational
vocabulary. A true beacon of positive energy, Mr. Robbins explains the
importance of altering our habits in speech,
of us don’t realize, however, that the words you habitually choose also affect
what you experience. Transformational Vocabulary is about how you can take control of your habitual vocabulary to change the
quality of your life. Simply by
changing your habitual vocabulary—the words you consistently use to describe
the emotions of your life—you can instantly change how you think, feel and how
you live.”
in essence, all we have to do to have a better life is articulate things
differently. Instead of coming home and complaining to every ear possible that
your boss is a sadistic moron that you hate, you should express your confusion
and frustration. Instead of wining about a pesky cough, verbalize how you are
actually feeling better than you were yesterday. This doesn’t mean you should
lie, and tell everyone your boss is your best friend and that you have perfect
health. But altering your attitude and paradigm of things through the spoken
word has amazing power.
salient reminder to us about the power of words is understanding that words are
action. So often we hear the term, “actions speak louder than words,” and in
most cases this is accurate. But this is not to say that words in and of
themselves are not actions. Sure it is important to make good on our promises
and practice what we preach, but before any action takes place, words are
usually uttered, whether out loud or to ourselves. So, it all starts with
words, and let us remember that a spoken word, a scribbled word, or even a
thought of word, is an action.
me there is a direct correlation between words and kindness. Our words tend to
either inforce kindness or detract from it. My hope is that my words can always
lean towards the gravitational pull of generosity, kindness, and love. I think
if we are going to speak, we have a responsibility to perpetuate kindness with
the things we write and say. The ingenious cosmologist Carl Sagan described his
belief in humanity’s responsibility to be kind as he reflected on our existence
on earth, such a small corner of the universe. He stated with grand humility, “It
has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character building experience.
There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than
this distant image of our tiny world. To me it underscores our responsibility
to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue
dot, the only home we have ever known.”
Let us use words to create a better planet.
I will
end this set of thoughts by quoting Elie Wiesel. He said, in reference to
words, "For some part of every word is sacred;
all words should lean toward the sacred."